Think in Strategy

At inStrategy, we teach leaders the importance of taking the long view—of thinking strategically, not tactically. For the leaders we serve, this perspective shift is the first of countless aha moments.

inStrategy’s leadership development curriculum is specifically designed for those leaders intent upon creating companies that last. Unlike their more conventional counterparts, our leaders are compelled to be their best.

Our holistic leadership development methodology focuses on the big-picture. It treats leaders as complete individuals—both inside and outside their professional roles. Through expert and peer mentorship, the leaders we serve come away from the process, not just better leaders, but better people as well. They learn the importance of long-term planning over short-term crisis management, and how profitable such an approach can be. After all, if you get bogged down in tactics you can’t succeed in a fast-paced market.

The Process

Our process is one of optimization. We guide each leader through four progressive stages, meticulously identifying opportunities to turn weaknesses into strengths, strengths into revenue, revenue into reinvestment, and reinvestment into growth. It is a cyclical process that can be entered at any phase and repeated to further optimize the potential of a leader and his or her company.

  • 1. Value

    In this initial stage, we evaluate the practical worth of your concept and the opportunities it affords for your future growth. We look at your organization's alignment to your WHY as a centering point from which to to tell the story of your strategy and to engage your internal and external client.

  • 2. Validation

    Next we evaluate how the market is responding to your existing concept to align your processes and plans. And then we create the buy-in needed to optimize your business model and create a stable platform from which to accelerate growth.

  • 3. Velocity

    In this stage we accelerate growth by looking at diversifying offerings, building high performing teams and leveraging risk in order to scale. And we assist with creating the milestones designed to fine-tune growth. 

  • 4. Valuation

    Here is where we build in the value of your organization so that a sustainable business can be implemented. We focus on finding your next generation leaders through succession planning and leadership training. The result is your company's value and legacy are greatly enhanced. 

  • Every destination is a culmination of the daily choices we make. If you don't like your life, what is one choice you can make that will move you in the direction of your dreams?
  • Mistakes become costly endeavors to an organization when they are not used for the betterment of the organization and the individual. What mistakes have you not learned from?
  • Until you make peace with who you are, you will never be content with what you have. -Doris Mortman
  • Those who cannot heal the past are condemned to repeat it. -Rosemary Paetow
  • A ship in port is safe. But that is not what ships are built for. Sail out to sea and do new things. -Grace Hopper
  • What direction is your heart wanting you to move in that you are resisting, not listening to, avoiding or procrastinating?
  • What kind of leadership organization supports your WHY? Process, Personality, Accountability, or Collaborative
  • Creating positive momentum out of problems: Find the common theme in your issues, and do something different.
  • Your "Why" is essential to your success: it creates alignment, momentum and a cultural touchstone.

Case Studies

Our proven methodology has turned out some impressive leaders, each with their own inspiring story. Click here to read more about how innovators and entrepreneurs are getting an edge with inStrategy.

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