
We could spend all day telling you how great we are, but we thought you should hear it straight from some of the inspiring leaders we’ve helped.

“inStrategy is a great third party group where you can get your problem solved in a way that takes it out of the parochialism of the business. You can see that there are others who have the same problem and that you’re not alone. As leaders we sometimes get stuck in this idea that no one else has ‘my problem’ and no one understands. We help each other with our problems.” Dan F.

“You truly sense that inStrategy, is part of your team… they are your partners. They have a very sincere interest in your company and in you – they want you to be successful. It’s not just a consulting service – they’re engaged, sincere and take it seriously.” George England

“The benefit inStrategy provides is really thinking deeply about what you’re trying to do – as a leader and also as a person. Because you can think of yourself as a fantastic leader but if you’re not a good or balanced person your leadership is going to suffer.” Francisco Guzman

“inStrategy helped me to have the peace, confidence and ability to slow down and intuitively use the right kinds of leadership tools and skills in the actual environment I was using them in. I also saw people having open honest conversations with each other and being vulnerable. I saw people challenging one another and I wanted that.” Sean Puckett

“Rosemary and Rebecca led a great session to really get to why our company exists. It was great to see team members contribute at a high level and get 100% buy-in. We are still feeling the energy from the session and looking forward to sharing with potential clients and service providers.”

Adam Weiler, Sunken Stone, Inc.
Seth Au

“Mind-blowing information overload is how I would describe all the teaching and guidance I have learned from inStrategy, even though I’m in another leadership group (EO). I would have never thought there’s a big driver behind a business besides making money. You have somehow pulled me back from just looking for the fastest way to make money in my business and had me rethink the “why”, the “how” and the values to ensure I build the solid foundation needed to grow it how I envisioned it. Thank you for changing the way I look at any businesses.”

Seth Au, Dorado Ventures

Rick Mortenson

“The inStrategy Leadership Group has been invaluable to me as an entrepreneur. Starting a business can be an overwhelming exercise and the Leadership Group really reminded me of why I started this business and how to integrate it into my life. Russ and Rosemary ask the tough questions. They helped me understand why my core values needed to be instilled in my business if it had any chance of being successful. They also build a community of like minded people that become invaluable peers for advice and counsel. Russ and Rosemary have become true friends and mentors in the process. If you have a desire to start your own business, inStrategy is the place to learn what it takes and most importantly not lose who you are in the process.”

Rick Mortenson, MARVELit

“My leadership is better because of inStrategy. I now solve my problems in a way that takes the parochialism out of business. As leaders we sometimes get stuck in this idea that no one else has ‘my problem’ and no one understands and only “I” can solve the problem. I learned to train my staff to use a strategic lens when problem solving and now I don’t have to do all the heavy lifting.”

Dan F.,
Martin Culjat

“One of the greatest values is that inStrategy forces me to do things that I’m not comfortable doing and I know that’s good for me. They’ve identified issues that I never would have noticed – both about me personally and about people that I’m working with, about relationships, about deals, etc. inStrategy has helped bring me out of myself to see things I wouldn’t have otherwise thought about.”

Martin Culjat, Farus, LLC

Gary Peterson

“The inStrategy system is so powerful because it delivers the results I said I wanted. They helped me translate my passion into a values driven organization that delivers world class data. My team and I learned to be better leaders through our community give back programs.”

Gary Peterson, gap Intelligence
Andrea Yoder Clark

“The biggest value that inStrategy provided me with was that one-on-one personal attention around strategic direction in the initial start up stage of my business. And they really helped me take my business to the next level – I re-envisioned what it was going to look like based on their advice.”

Andrea Yoder Clark, Yourbecause.is
Shane Hunter

“inStrategy really does help you to help yourself. And that’s two fold: they help you realize and understand aspects of leadership that you don’t even appreciate are there, and they help you become good at those aspects of being a leader. But you’ve got to be willing to put in the effort to do it.”

Shane Hunter, Hunter Clark
George England

“inStrategy is part of my team, my partners, focusing on leadership success and growth. It’s not just a consulting service – they take the fulfillment of your dreams and goals seriously.”

George England,

“inStrategy helped me to have the peace, confidence and ability to slow down and intuitively use the right kinds of leadership tools and skills in the actual environment I was using them in. I participated in leadership labs that allowed me to practice leadership in a safe environment.”

Sean Puckett, First Vice President at Regents Bank

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